Video surveillance systems

Video surveillance is increasingly used not only to protect against the unlawful actions of any persons or natural force majeure, technical accidents and emergencies but also to optimize company operations (to improve the quality of employees ‘ work, market research, as a decision-making tool, as a component of other enterprise automated systems, etc.).

Given the significant expansion of video surveillance systems, their design should begin only after an in-depth and detailed analysis of the goals and objectives of the enterprise VSS. The main parameters and characteristics of the future system will directly depend on this, since some functions and capabilities of video surveillance can be added during the design process, only slightly changing the current project, but there are also those that will require changing the concept of the system itself.

The variety of goals and objectives of video surveillance, as well as the features of each premises, building, and adjacent territory create the need for a personal approach when developing each project of video surveillance systems.

Of course, it is possible to identify common basic tasks for objects of similar purpose, such as offices, banks, stores, industrial and warehouse premises, restaurants, hotels, educational institutions. However, to implement a completely typical solution is still not recommended, as in the end it may negatively affect the effectiveness of the implemented video surveillance system and, consequently, on its recoupment.

Professional design of video surveillance systems involves complex preliminary preparation for choosing the optimal concept and developing an effective solution.

What is important to foresee in the project:

  • features of the object that affect the placement and number of video surveillance cameras
  • coverage of all “blind zones” of premises and territory
  • methods of connecting the VSS equipment to the local network
  • tools for continuous monitoring of the network status
  • backup systems to ensure the stability and reliability of video surveillance
  • sufficient network bandwidth (for simultaneous recording from all cameras and access to archived videos from several PCs)
  • the ability to access video online and to archives only locally or remotely
  • effective organization of the operators’ workplace
  • technical capability to respond to various recorded events (including emergency ones)
  • compatibility and integration with other related systems of the company, for example, with the access control system
  • ensuring the information security of the VSS
  • timely updating of the technologies used
  • scalability and flexibility of the video surveillance system
  • compliance with industry-wide regulations and internal corporate regulations and company standards, and much more

To order the development of project documentation, please contact us. Our specialists will tell about the stages and features of design directly to your facility, recommend optimal solutions, request all necessary information to calculate the cost, since to determine the price of design need certain initial data, which may affect pricing.

📞 +254726304923
📞 +254717406133
📞 +254780593237
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    Biashara Street, Nairobi,

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    Tom Mboya Street